Random Thoughts

B'ELanna is taking R&R on a planet of telepaths. Some guy bumps into her, and she has a momentary violent thought about kicking the guy's ass.

Another guy who touched her to help her goes off and kills someone.

A law enforcement official wants to purge B'ELanna of her violent thought.
This would be an invasive procedure.

Tuvok goes to the planet to investigate. He discovers that violent thoughts are being bought and sold. He encounters a man who is part of such a ring. He performs a mind meld, and renders the man unconscious.

He takes the man to Voyager, where he is able to contact the Law Enforcement official and stop the procedure on B'Elanna before it is completed.

Seven of Nine rebukes Janeway for stopping at planets where they can get into trouble such as in this episode, but Janeway says never stopping anywhere to explore would be boring.

Seven just walks out of Janeway's quarters.

I like this one a lot.

Imagine.. a world with very little crime.. where just THINKING a violent thought is a crime!


"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.