Waking Moments

Stardate: 51471.3 The crew is 'attacked' by a species of alien that live in the human dream state. It is up to Chakotay, with extensive knowledge about the dream state, to save the ship and its crew.

This is a great one which features Chakotay in a good role, which he did not get often enough.

He is able to enter and re - enter the dream state, with the Doctor's help while the rest of the Voyager Crew is trapped in their sleep.

He finds where the aliens planet is and tells the alien in the dream state that he'll blow up their sleeping bodies unless he frees the crew from their sleep.

Message In A Bottle

When Voyager discovers an ancient communications relay that extends to the Alpha Quadrant, they are able to send The Doctor to an experimental Federation ship, the Prometheus. However, unbeknownst to the Voyager crew, the Prometheus has been commandeered by Romulans.

Voyager sends the Doctor in a holographic data stream to the Prometheus, where he discovers that the ship has been taken over by Romulans.

The Doctor enlists the aid of that ship's holographic Doctor and they retake the ship.

The Doctor tells Starfleet about Voyager being in the Delta Quadrant.

Finally, it is known that the ship is ok!

These two are both great episodes.

Message in a Bottle is the very last episode of Voyager that George and I watched together - I had taped it earlier on the week that George died, and we watched it together just a few hours before he died.

He watched a lot of Star Trek episodes with me over the years. That is a good memory!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.