Originally Posted By: the G-man

Funny. During the previous Clinton administration, they had no problem sending their secretary of state over to North Korea to meet with Kim Jong II

Man, they sure look chummy. I wonder how Albright kept her job in the Clinton administration if Hillary thought she was "irresponsible and frankly naive"?

And, in 1994, Bill Clinton had no problem meeting with the President of Syria.

Poor Bill. He must have gotten an earful from Hillary for HIS "irresponsible and frankly naive" actions that night.

If Hillary keeps this up even John Kerry will have to call her flip flopper.

The Clintons had no problem letting Chinese nationals stay in the Lincoln bedroom in exchange for political contributions either, allowing an enemy Chinese government to purchase political favors that undermined U.S. national security, allowing commercial satellites to be launched by U.S. companies inside China. And despite warnings, the Clintons had a contempt for U.S. security, that allowed the Chinese to steal missile technology, and now China has ICBM missiles that can reach any city in the United States.

The Clintons also didn't see it as naive to make a deal with the North Koreans, to provide them with a billion dollars worth of free energy every year in exchange for scout's-honor promises the N. Koreans would stop developing nukes, but required no verification that they were not developing nuclear weapons capability.
And of course 10 years later when the nuclear fruit of this naivete emerged, their first impulse was to blame North Korea's acquiring of nukes on the Bush administration that inherited their bad diplomacy.

To say nothing of the Clintons' not taking a tougher stance against islamic terrorism, and not doing more to help and promote democratic forces in Russia and its former republics, which have now largely reverted to autocratic states.

I would argue that the Clintons' willingness to give away freebies to hostile nations, and posture militarily without real action(especially in 1998, after the African embassy bombings), is more proven to be naive and disastrous policy.