On Charlie Rose last night, Democrat political campaign strategist Bob Schrum (partly quoting Bob Dole) described Hillary Clinton's campaign as "building a bridge to the past", alluding to Hillary promoting her connection and experience with former president Bill Clinton (and also alluding to an ironic contrast with Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign catch phrase "building a bridge to the future".)

He described Barack Obama as having the political advantage over Hillary, in a campaign where voters are increasingly independent-minded, and opposed to the old order. He described Hillary as being the old order that voters want a change from.

He described John McCain as a maverick who would have had a shot, if he had campaigned the same way he did in 2000. But he described McCain as embracing the mainstream in the last 7 years and becoming and campaigning as George W. Bush, which has destroyed his outsider appeal to voters.

In Schrum's evaluation McCain became the old order.

But "Hillary Clinton is the old order."

And that if Obama can continue to raise funding at the pace that he has, he will become the Democrat candidate.