Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You can go back and spotlight what you feel were mistakes when Bill Clinton was President but who gave the best answer, Hillary or Obama? Would you prefer a President meeting all the dictators in their first year?

I'd prefer a Republican.

Romney is actually the one I favor most at this point. He favors enforcing the existing immigration laws, and securing our borders.

But Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, on the total opposite end of the spectrum, both voted amnesty for illegals in the recently defeated immigration bill.
And if given presidential power, both would completely sell out this country to illegals, and would allow a radical change for the worse, that would allow, and is already allowing, a spike in crime, drugs, illegals crowding our prisons, welfare, cheap labor continuing to drive down wages, and even potentially threatening the sovereignty of the United States, through the high ratio of Mexicans moving to the southwest, with notions of "reconquista" and "La Raza", in such numbers that we assimilate to their culture, instead of them to ours.