“Infrared tracks. I can follow them, like a rattlesnake follows hits prey after biting it.”

Edmond Sweeter looked at Hero with an eyebrow raised. “Never heard of such power among metas. You actually see in the infrared wavelenght?”

“Not really see. It’s in my nose, but it’s not a smell.”

Now it was the other eyebrow of the Thunder Museum curator to rise, joining the other in an expression of stupor. “We got to talk sometimes, kid. That’s not how I ever heard the metagene to work...”

“Never said it is metagenetic. But I am sorry, I can’t explain it to you. Now, I have to save your son, Mr. Sweeter, so...”

“I am going with you, Hero. I’m not new to the game myself...” he said, putting his longbow across the chest, and adjusting the quiver tied to his belt, on the side. “Let’s go”.

Hero moved on, toward some tall trees behind a perennial bed on the north side of the lawn. In the dark shadow under the trees, Hero stopped. “They came from here”.

“Here? There is nothing, here.”

Hero stepped further, and he disappeared. After a moment, he reappeared, his body emerging half from the dead leaves covered ground. “Come in. There is a tunnel going down.”

Sweeter kneeled down, trying to touch the ground around Hero’s torso. His hand was disappearing and reappearing as he moved it up and down. “This is not Earth tech, Hero” he said, gravely.

“I know” replied the MBL member.