Well, " Drone " was on .. the episode where the Doctor's mobile emitter, some of Seven of Nine's nano probes merge with human dna to form a 29 th century, highly advanced Borg.

This is one of my all time favorites.

The Borg grows to adult hood rapidly in a makeshift Borg maturation chamber;
after much debate, it is decided to allow it to live.

Seven of Nine instructs the Borg... whose designation is "One."

His Borg transceiver is disabled, but it adapts and repairs itself. It alerts a Borg sphere which attacks Voyager.

One teleports himself over to and destroys it from the inside, but is badly injured. Voyager beams him back, but while in sickbay he tells Seven that, as long as he lives, the collective will keep hunting him down.

This would make the Borg stronger once he were to be assimulated, and his presence on Voyager would constantly put the ship and crew in danger.

He terminates his own life.

Seven had grown to like him and misses him.

" Once Upon A time "

Ensign Wildman, Tom Paris and Tuvok are trapped on a planetoid and running slowly out of air after a bad landing in the Delta Flyer during an ion storm.

Naomi Wildman is being cared for by her godfather, Neelix.
He hides the fact that the Flyer is missing.

Noami loves to visit a rather charming holodeck child's program, " Treevis and Flaughter. "

She becomes suspicious when Neelix is evasive about why her mother has not communicated with her for a few days, and goes to the bridge and overhears Neelix and Janeway talking about her mother being missing.

She runs into the holodeck to escape into her program.
Neelix finds her and tells her about his family who died, and how he only wanted to protect her from the truth, not lie to her. She understands and forgives him.

Naomi's mom was injured. The three on the Flyer record messages for their loved ones, thinking they will die, but drilling teams with phasers rescue them before they run out of oxygen.

Ensign Wildman is healed and there is a happy reunion betwen her and Naomi; the two visit the Trevis and Flaughter program, and Janeway visits there, too.

Some hate this one but I think it is very cute.

" Timeless "

Another bigtime favorite.

Voyager adapts " slipstream " technology which can get them home in days or a week or so, but it malfunctions, sending Voyager to an icy grave on a frozen planet on;y a few parsecs away from the Alpha quadrant. Everyone onboard is killed except Chakotay and Ensign Kim, who later find the ship, retrieve the Doctor's program and Seven of Nine's body.

Harry is wrackede with survivor's guilt and uses Seven's Borg cranial implant and a Borg temporal message device to feed Seven of Nine incorrect adjustments in the past to knock Voyager out of the slipstream before the accident can occur, thus saving everyone.

A message from future HArry to past Harry is sent and Janeway and he learn that
his future self came through and saved them all.

I love this episode; time travel is my favorite plot device.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.