Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Ok, I watched this shit for my sins!
The opening match was little more than a squash match, making the tag champs look worthless.

Most times that one wrestler dresses up as another, and does a promo as them, its funny and entertaining, but Chavo doesnt seem to realise that.
The promo he shot as Rey was both dull and annoying.
His match against Eugene was ok, but Michael Cole ruined it by saying that Eugene was copying Chavo, when in fact all the taunts and moves he was performing were Eddies, not Chavos.

The stupidity of it is that despite failure to connect, Eugenes frog splash looked better than Chavos, as Chavo still cant pull it off properly, even after nearly 2 years!

While I know Sterlings name from the indy scene, when he is in a WWE ring, he's just a jobber.
How can WWE continue to push Henry as being so dominating when all they have been putting him up against these past few weeks, is jobbers from outside the company?
Surely this is what they have guys like Venis and Funaki for, and had guys like Scotty.
At least with jobbers on the roster:
They are known by the fans who just watch WWE
They occasionally pull off wins, something outside jobbers never do

Victoria vs Torrie was dull!

Hardy vs Finlay was ok, but ended crappily!
How can a grown man not catch a fucking midget?
And why would Finlay forfeit a match to protect Hornswoggle?

Kane vs Sylvan was another squash, and Finlay comes back, so I guess we now have a Kane/Finlay feud on our hands.

Masters and a no name jobber in a master lock challenge.
How many more times do we need to see this?

Khali vs Flair was shit.
Khalis finisher is a fucking joke.
The fact that Batista runs in for the save, and is fresh, only to be downed by the finisher straight away is a joke.
By this line of thought, Khalis should just apply this move at the start of verey match!

Pure shit!

This is the greatest Smackdown! review ever!

2,000 points!

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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