Fox News and conservative talk radio are a direct result of liberal hegemony over the news media. Conservatives' alternate-media struggle to challenge liberals reporting only the liberal side of issues. Where conservatives were not able to give any counter-point rebuttal to liberal advocacy in the news media.

Again, refer to Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias, where a 30-year veteran of CBS news deconstructs how the news is slanted to a liberal perspective.

Goldberg points to the Reagan era as the point where the liberal media took a sharp left toward slanting the news.
One of several examples he cites is "homelessness" and how it was reported as a major crisis that was getting increasingly worse during the Reagan and Bush years. But suddenly when Clinton was in office, while there was no government action or decline in homelessness, the media ceased reporting it. How did Clinton stop the homeless crisis? He got elected.

The labelling of "conservative" and "right-wing" is by reporters, and not by conservatives themselves. And Goldberg points out that, on Sunday-morning talk shows and the broadcast evening news, that radical left wing liberals are not proportionately labelled, and that's largely because liberals reporting the news agree with the liberal radicals quoted.
To liberal reporters, including Dan Rather, these radical liberal views are "mainstream" or "middle of the road" whereas their perception of more conservative notions is that they are radical, and thus have to be clearly labelled as not mainstream.

I noticed a sharp uptick of liberal partisanship during the 1992 presidential campaign coverage, especially contrasting the Democrat and Republican conventions. Reporters glowed with enthusiasm in their reports of Clinton, Gore and the Democrat convention.
Conversely, they sneered at the Republican 1992 convention as boring, and tried to portray it as uninteresting and just repeating of old ideas, and often would have lengthy comments by reporters while key Republicans were giving speeches, and I would think: Get out of the way and shut up, let me hear him speak, so I can hear him and evaluate for myself what he is saying!

I felt the media helped Clinton get elected (with only 43% of the vote, I might add). If you saw Bush Sr live giving a campaign speech on CNN, his campaign arguments were persuasive and logical.
If you heard it soundbyted on the 6 o'clock news, Bush was defensive and repeating tired canned arguments.

And I think since November 2000, the liberal press has been more partisan than ever. Even before 9-11, the press portrayed Bush as an idiot, and portrayed his presidency as failed before he had a chance to enact anything.
As I said elsewhere, Ann Coulter's book Slander goes into how the media called Florida for Gore prematurely, and how that is estimated(comparing Republican voter turnout to the 1992 and 1996 elections) to have cost Bush a decisive 35,000 votes, that would have eliminated any question of Bush's winning Florida in 2000.
Coulter also tabulates how quickly states were called for Gore with a fraction of the votes counted, and how much more hesitantly any state was called for Bush, across all the liberal-dominated networks.

The liberal bias of the media was certainly made evident by several 60 Minutes stories in 2003 and 2004, where the author of every book critical of the Bush administration was given an infomercial on their program (Richard Clarke, Bob Woodward, Michael Moore...) where there was absolutely no challenge or counter-argument given of these authors' ideas, in anything resembling a balanced investigation of their allegations.
In the earliest ones, CBS neglected to even point out that the books were published by a subsidiary of CBS. Thanks to bloggers, they gave brief acknowledgement to this fact with the later books presented on their program.

And the ultimate example of partisan liberal bias, CBS/60-Minutes' forged letter expose about Bush's military service in October 2004, such an embarrassment that it finally cost Dan Rather his position as CBS news anchor.

It is only the appearance of seeming unpatriotic and looking like treasonous partisan assholes that the liberal media make the slightest effort to even appear to be objective.