The Mind's Eye

A traitorous KLingon ambassador uses Geordi once he has been captured and brainwashed to kill a Klingon ambassador.

The plan is discovered by Data and foiled.

I like how Geordi was so sure of things that were implanted in his memories.
This episode is great and it was different, as we see things through Geordi's visor part of the time.

In Theory

An ensign falls in love with Data, who is unable to return the feelings of romance.

Meanwhile, Enterprise is going through a flied of space which phases things in the ship. A crewman dies before they figure out what happened and can escape without the warp core blowing up.

Another great one. At episode's end, the ensign breaks up with Data, who deletes
the relationship program he created to be with her. Data blows out the candles from the romantic dinner that did not happen. Spot, his cat jumps into his lap. He pets Spot and talks to him. Apparently, it is far easier for Data to show a pet love than a human at this point in his development.

But he is capable of love, he just does not know or believe it.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.