Bride Of Chaotica

This was a silly episode. Photonic ( holographic ) beings enter the holodeck while Tom Paris is running his " Captain Proton " program. They don't recognise humans as actual life forms and attack.

One photonic being is killed by Chaotica's henchmen. In retaliation, the holodeck is bombarded with photonic blasts. War begins in the holodeck.

The Doctor, being a photonic being himself tries to intervene, but Chaotica must be stopped before there can be peace.

Janeway has to play at being Chaotica's lover to stop Chaotica from fighting the photonic beings. She succeeds, " Kills" Chaotica ( who cannot be killed, actually,as he keeps back like any good comic book villain would! ) and the photonic beings leave in peace.

I like the sillieness factor in this.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.