Once again,total shite.One,it's the same 5 wrestlers each week.Two,there was very little fan reaction to any of the matches going on.Three,Khali can't fuckin' wrestle.

Another thing was Mahon walking around with Coach talking about this stupid "bastard-child" plotline & you could almost tell that even he didn't really want to be on Smackdown.So at any rate,you start out with MVP pulling(i.e. ripping off)a "Piper's Pit" and having Matt Hardy come out.Hardy really wasn't into it as his mic work was kinda flat and lacking any heat.They banter back and forth about Hardy having to box Holyfield Sat. and finally MVP brings out Shit Masturbator to put a "Shit-lock" on Hardy.MVP kicks him and noone really gives a fuck.


Next up is the vey gay tag-team of Deuce & Domino(their skank on skates though looks pretty hot this time around)vs. some baby-face nobodies called the "Major Brothers".There's absolutely no reaction from the fans at all at the beginning of this match.No boos or cheers......nothin'.Some quick tags initally from the Rock and Roll Express Brothers and some decent moves that finally get some response from the crowd but soon it falls into a jobber match for the Tag Team Champions(to keep 'em viable I suppose),and soon the match ends......thank God.

Mahon meets a couple other Smackdowners....and noone cares.

OK...so then we have Finlay vs. Jamie Noble.Don't know,don't care.Kane shows up and finally a big pop from the crowd for him.He grabs Finlay but then Finlay's leprechaun midget shows up behind the other short guy and pushes him into Kane.Kane chokeslams stubby and that's that.

Next is Chavo Eddie vs. Mandy Moore.I dunno who the other guy is but he was wearing what looked to me like the pants from a Spaceball trooper complete with black butt-guards.So anyway,Mandy Moore gives a good match against Chavo Eddie and almost pulls off a win but Chavo Eddie pins him then puts a Rey Mysterio mask on him and does a shitty frog splash on Mandy Moore's knee.BFD.

Mahon visits Teddy Long and his fiancee and the not-so-great Khali shows up not wanting to wrestle Kane but Teddy says he has to & Not-So-Great Khali leaves.


Time for the obligatory "Diva Match" featuring Michelle McCool(who the fuck thinks up these namnes )vs. Victoria's Secret. Some butt-cheek flappin' from Victoria's Secret & McCool hurts her silicone.That's all I paid attention too and,with the exception of the Snarfs in the front row,that's all anyone else noticed too.

Mark Henry "wrestles" another no-name jobber and rambles on after about taking out the Undertaker.Lots of "'Taker" chants from the crowd and during footage of Henry beating on Undertaker which then goes to show something about Undertaker coming back. Undertaker's bell tolls and lights out schtick get a HUGE pop from the crowd and two "druids" stand there & then lights go out & they're replaced by a sandbox.....WTF?


Shatista's music plays,minor pop from the crowd and he somes out,does his little entrance move and gets in the ring....starts talking but noone's really listening.The Not-So-Great Khali interrupts speaking Bushwhacker-ese and his "translator" tells Shatista about receiving "The Claw" at SummerSlam and Not-So-Great Khali squeezes a basketball.Shatista yells and drops the mic.

Some more Mahon-madness this time with Howard Finkle showing up and then Mahon leaving.


Not-So-Great Khali vs. Kane.....worst match I've seen in a loooooooong time.Kane really tries to make it look good but it's impossible.Khali can't wrestle.All he does is hit and a couple of kicks.Finally he does....."The Claw" Kane gets a pop as he grabs Khali's throat but "The Claw" wins out and 1-2-3 Kane's done.Finlay then comes in and starts beating on Kane and then Shatista comes in and spears Finlay but the Not-So-Great Khali uses "The Double Claw" on Shatista and he drops.

Fade to black.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
