Originally Posted By: the G-man
You know, Chris, there's something really hypocritical about a guy who thinks sticking a shit-smeared penis in his mouth to be "normal" complaining about Rudy--or anyone else's--"family values."

Now, personally, I don't care what you do in your personal life, or who you do it with. But, given that Rudy's the most gay-tolerant mainstream Republican to ever be the frontrunner, you might want to reconsider the amount of time you spend attacking the guy for his lifestyle choices, while at the same time canonizing the wife of the man who signed the "Defense of Marriage" act into law.

Its almost as if you WANT to see one of the two major parties nominate as President someone who wants to put you back in the closet.

Talk about self loathing.

Heh G-man's thinking & posting about what type of gay sex I have. I like the sex that I have with my partner of 15 yrs but it of course is considered something less when compared to you plunging your dick up your wife's vagina in the approved missionary style. My candidates have better records/positions on gay rights than Rudy who has to hide from his past liberal stances. It's not self loathing on my part, I know who my real friends are & those who are just friends when it's convenient.

Fair play!