Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Rudy's shown he has enough character for 3 wives & likes to exagerate his time at ground zero. Mitt has totally flip flopped on a wide range of issues just to get elected & Thompson use to lobby for a guy who enjoyed the smell of the burning tires placed on many of his people. These are your top candidates for '08!

It's funny how sexual immorality ceases to be an issue for you when we're discussing Democrats. With Clinton even when he committed perjury, the mantra was: "It's just sex, it doesn't affect how he does his job".
Funny how the tune changes when we're discussing a Republican.
The same regarding Mark Foley, when so many Democrats had more clearly violated the law and had sex (gay and heterosexual) with under-age interns. Not only did Democrats not call for charges, in most cases they re-elected them.

I believe in a high bar for impeachment. That isn't changing my tune. And when the Foley thing happened I believe you were more angry & upset at Democrats than Foley. Reguardless, if a Dem had 2 exwives & a current one who had been married 3 times herself, well I don'tbelieve it would somehow not be fodder for the GOP party.

Mitt Romney had to walk a fine line, as a Republican governor in a liberal state. He sure takes a hard stance on immigration, which is the reason I support him.

He certainly talks tough about it now but I think his record shows just how hard his stances really are.

Regarding Fred Thompson, I have some reservations about how qualified he is compared to the others, but I don't see who he previously represented as a problem. I'm sure you could dig up quite a few unsavory clients represented by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. That's as much a red herring as saying Arnold Schwarzenegger's father was an officer for the Nazi SS. It's irrelevant. Thompson himself didn't do the things you allege by association.
Wikipedia doesn't mention "burning tire" lobbying controversy that you do, so I can only assume it's a liberal-partisan fabrication, on the part of the fanatics at MediaMatters.

Thompson helping Aristide is well documented ...
Another client, Aristide, was widely denounced for endorsing "necklacing," the gruesome practice of execution where gasoline-soaked tires are thrown over a person's head and set ablaze. In September 1991, Aristide said: "The burning tire, what a beautiful tool! ... It smells good. And wherever you go, you want to smell it."

Thompson about his career as a lobbyist...
"Not everybody can come to Washington and look out for themselves,"

Fair play!