Wash. Times again falsely claimed Clinton said "the surge is clearly 'working' "
Summary: The Washington Times falsely claimed that "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton [D-NY] ... told the VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars] conference on Monday that the surge is clearly 'working.' " In fact, Clinton never said that President Bush's troop "surge" policy in Iraq "is clearly 'working.' " Instead, she linked the improvements in Iraq's Al Anbar Province to new "tactics," not Bush's troop escalation.
An August 23 Washington Times article falsely claimed that "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton [D-NY] ... told the VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars] conference on Monday that the surge is clearly 'working.' " In fact, as Media Matters for America previously noted, Clinton never said that President Bush's troop "surge" policy in Iraq "is clearly 'working.' " Instead, in a speech she gave on August 20, Clinton linked the improvements in Iraq's Al Anbar Province to new "tactics," not Bush's troop escalation. Reporter Joseph Curl contrasted what he falsely claimed she said at the VFW conference with her reported August 22 statement that "[i]t is abundantly clear that there is no military solution to the sectarian fighting in Iraq. ... We need to stop refereeing the war, and start getting out now."
According to an August 21 New York Times article, Clinton stated to the VFW: "We've begun to change tactics in Iraq, and in some areas, particularly in Al Anbar province, it's working. ... We're just years too late changing our tactics. We can't ever let that happen again." The New York Times also reported that "[a]ides to Mrs. Clinton said her remarks that military tactics in Iraq are 'working' referred specifically to reports of increased cooperation from Sunnis leading to greater success against insurgents in Al Anbar Province." And according to an April 29 New York Times article on improvements in Al Anbar, the progress there "began last September" -- months before Bush announced his plan to increase the number of troops in Iraq.

Media Matters
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