Survival Instinct

While Voyager is docked at a space station, Seven of Nine is approached by three former Borg drones from her former unimatrix, who, despite being free from the Collective, are neurally linked to each other. Tracing the origin of this link to an accident eight years before, in which they and Seven were the only survivors, the three former drones believe Seven is the only one who can help them sever the link and achieve true individuality.

This one is excellent!

Loved how the three got their wish.. to have the link severed and truly become individuals again.. even though they would die within a month because of it.

I guess most of us would have wanted individuality, no matter what the cost.. I know I would...

Barge Of The Dead

Stardate: Unknown During a near-death experience, B'Elanna finds herself aboard the Klingon Death Barge, a spectral vessel which transports dishonoured souls to Grethnor. After seeing her mother there, B'Elanna risks her life to go back and save her mother's soul from this fate, even at the cost of her own.

Another great one.

B'Elanna shines here, and begins to appreciate her Klingon culture.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.