Blink Of An Eye

Stardate: Unknown When Voyager is trapped in orbit of a unique planet, they learn that time moves far faster on that planet than in the rest of the galaxy. Although Voyager is stuck in orbit only for a matter of days, from the perspective of the planet, the "Skyship" has been watching them for centuries, and becomes a guiding force for the development of their civilization.

A favorite of mine. Voyager becomes a legend for this civilization, who evolves in weeks during just one Voyager minute.

At first they try to destroy Voyager, but an astronaut who reaches Voyager goes back and tells them that Voyager is a friendly ship which is stuck in orbit around their world, which suffers earthquakes through proximity to Voyager: Two ships appear and tractor Voyager out of orbit. The astronaut appears on the ship to say goodbye.

Later, as an old man, he watches Voyager break orbit and warp away from there.

Very good episode. This is how sci - fi ought to be.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.