Precious Cargo

Trip boards an alien cargo vessel to help repair a stasis pod, which holds a beautiful woman in suspended animation. When the woman accidentally wakes up, she reveals she's not a passenger, but a prisoner.

Trip and her leave the ship in an escape pod, then land on a Degobah - like jungle world. One of the baddies atacks them but TRip and the woman clobber the guy..

Archer and an away team find Trip and the woman.

This one was good.

The Catwalk

When a lethal neutronic storm approaches faster than Enterprise can escape, the crew take shelter in the maintenance shafts inside the warp nacelles. They also provide refuge to a group of aliens, who aren't exactly honest about themselves.

The aliens are immune to the storm and simply want refuge from the bad gusy of the week, who try totake over the ship, but Archer takes Enterprise towards a deadly eddy of energy, causing the invaders to leave.

A pretty good episode.


During a solo test mission on Shuttlepod One, Trip is attacked by a territorial alien and forced to land on the night side of a moon. As he tries contacting Enterprise, he discovers his alien foe has made an emergency landing nearby. The two contend with each other as an extremely hot sun rises and threatens both their lives.

They learn to work together. Trip won't leave the alien alone after Enterprise finds them, until they can rescue both of them.

The aliens adapt their ship so it won't lose power; both are taken to Enterprise where Doctor Phlox heals them.

The alien tells trip that he is glad he did not destroy his ship.

This is my favorite of the 4 eps. that were on last night. I like how Trip and the alien learn to communicate and work together.


Enterprise visits a planet where an Interspecies Medical Exchange conference is being held. Dr. Phlox tries to obtain research on a terminal disease from the Vulcan contingency, without revealing T'Pol has been infected by it.

But Vulcan official s do learn she is infected, and, though she did not want them to learn that it was through a forced meld, they find out.

I like.. but T'Pol is a bit too stoic in this one. She does lighten up a biut in later episodes.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.