Spirit Folk

The holographic townspeople of Fair Haven realize that Tom and the other Voyager crew are not what they appear to be.. and, after Tom, Harry and The Doctor are taken hostage, Janeway goes there and smooths things out..

Afterwards, the towns folk know that the Voyager crew are from space but regard them as friends anyway.

A cute episode!

Ashes to Ashes

An ensign believed to be dead comes back looking like an alien; It is really her and the Doctor is able to make her look like her old self.. but she is now alien to the crew... the Kabali,the race who found her dead body and brought her back as one of them comes to take her back.. she refuses to go, but after a brief romance with Harry, and trying to fit in, realizes that she no longer is human.. and leaves on her own to save Voyager from being attacked.

A good one. Kinda sad, but I like it.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.