Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Family Of Blood

This was the conclusion of Human Nature.

It was worth the two weeks wait!

In a word, the episode was magnificent!

I love how the Doctor did not want to be the Doctor again, and stay John Smith and have a wife and family.

But he knew he had a responsibility to the universe to be the Doctor again.

He had a destiny to fulfill.. and, not much unlike Jesus, he chose what he had to do over what he would have wanted to do.


Loved the end bit with giving the kid the watch... and how it saved his life in WW1.. the watch gave him a gift of the Timelords.. a bit of their knowledge.. not much,but just enough to make a difference in his life and in the lives of others.

I still have the music from the last 2 minutes of it in my head...

This has to be one of the best Who episodes I have ever seen.

It was on again at 1 am so I watched again... damn, it was even better the second time around!

To think I took a year or two to even watch this new Doctor Who series, convinced it would suck...and look how absolutely fucking brilliant it turned out to be!



"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.