Originally Posted By: Prometheus
FRANTA!! My 4th incarnation! You were always my favrit'...

New Earth is Tennant just starting out. But, I have to say, this current season on Sci-Fi (Season 3) he really hits his stride. He's definitely The Doctor.

Torchwood's pilot is enjoyable. I like it. The rest of the season is pretty awful, though.

Did anyone watch The Graham Norton show on BBCA last night? Tennant was one of the guests. It was fucking hilarious.

Jerry, this season is like the last two: 13 episodes.

Next season (4th) will be 13 episodes.

The following season will be 3 two-hour specials to give Tennant time to go do The Royal Shakespeare Company.

The Season after that (5? 6?) will again be a full 13 episodes.

Or, so I've read anyway.

I watched most of the Graham Norton show, and only because Tennant was on it; I agree, it was hilarious!

Loved that bit when he grabbed the cell phone and said, " This is the Doctor."

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.