Unimatrix Zero parts 1 & 2

Seven discovers a place where Borgs are individuals. It is accessable to Borgs only while they are regenerating. The Borg Queen is working to destroy this place.

Seven tells Captain Janeway, who cooks up a plan to help the Borg who visit Unimatrix Zero - however, it is quite risky as it involves Torres, Janeway and Tuvok entering the Borg cube where the Queen is.. and being assimiluated!
( The Doctor has given them nueral suppressants that help the 3 retain their individuality. Tuvok succumbs to the collective, though. \:\( )

Voyager is badly damaged in a fight with the Borg cube.

Janeway injects a virus into the collective that enables the drones who go to Unimatrix Zero to retain their individuality even while not regenerating.

The Borg Queen captures Janeway and makes her watch cube after cube be destroyed
as she demands that Janeway give her the cure for this virus; Janeway tells her there is none.

Just as a badly damaged but somewhat repaired Voyager is going to confront a Borg sphere, it turns out to have been commandered by liberated Borg.

Chakotay arranges with these free Borg to destroy Unimatrix Zero and all Borg
in there are urged to leave. They lose that lovely place which is wooded with beautiful shores, but they have gained their independance for real.

Janeway, Tuvok and Torres are beamed aboard just as the Queen orders the cube they are in to self destruct.

In Sickbay, a healing Janeway and Seven talk; Janeway has gained a new respect for Seven now that she knows what it is like to have to have Borg hardware removed from her body, and Seven, who had had a romance with a man in Unimatrix Zero and who rekindled it only to lose the man as he is in the Beta Quadrant.

Seven asks Janeway to remind her that the encounter was indeed worthwhile whenever she tells Janeway that it was not.

This is an excellent two part episode.

The pace was good, dialogue believable and story was quite interesting.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.