Originally Posted By: Joey From Friends
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
What's truly cool is how, when the Professor is hearing voices, it's sound bytes from the past actors that have played The Master! I looooove the little details like that.

Profageus, is the master a past character? My Who Knowledge is limited to the last three years so to me he's new.

Yes ma'am, The Master first appeared back during the 3rd Doctor's era (David Tennant, the current Doc, is the 10th Doctor...if that gives you a bit of insight into how long The Master has been around). Like The Doctor, we don't know a lot about him. We don't know his real name, either. It has been suggested in the show that he calls himself "The Master" as some sort of taunt or stab at our hero calling himself "The Doctor".

In fact, the next episode will actually go more into detail about all of this than the series has in the past forty years. So, I won't say any more about it until you've seen it. However, below is a pic of all of The Master's on-screen incarnations (like all Time Lords, he has the ability to have at least 13 bodies during his lifetime, but we've only ever seen the ones below).

(In Order of Appearance)
(L. to R. - TOP - Roger Delgado, Peter Pratt, and Anthony Ainley
L. to R. -BOTTOM - Eric Roberts, Derek Jacobi, and John Simms)