Roger Delgado was the first and IMO, the best Master.

He first appeared during the Pertwee era ( 1970 - 1974 ) in 1971 in the episode called " Terror Of The Autons. " He allied himself with the Nestene, but later helps the Doctor thwart the materialization of the Nestene monster on Earth.

Roger Delgado died in a car wreck in 1973.

The crispy critter Master who appeared in an episode or two was supposed to be the Master in a failing regeneration. He appeared in the late 70's and in The Keeper Of Trakken.

Anthony Ainley took up the role in 1981, winding up on Trakken and taking over the body of Tremas ( Anagram of the word Master. ) to gain a 13 th regeneration.

Tremas was Nyssa's father. Nyssa was a companion to the 4 th and 5 th Doctors.

Anything after that, I am shakey on, but I do know that Eric Roberts played the Master in that fine 1996 movie starring McGann as the 8 th Doctor.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.