I'll be supporting her when I have no other recourse.

Until then i hope to God she's overtaken by her opponents. Not that I don't like her, but ...Ok, I don't like her.

She's a politician to the letter. She's forever taking the safe option and even when it's beyond safe to do so, she'll still hesitate because her advisers are still working with old data.

I honestly think this country needs someone who is genuine. They don't need another politician, they need inspiration and someone who actually DOES feel their pain, not just pays lip service to it.

Evil is the absence of empathy. Or so I heard the other day. In that case, this Government is the most evil we've ever had. And that goes for ALL of the Government. Not only does this country need inspiration but it also needs people who will work for THEM. Lobbyists and special interests, reelection money or endorsements be damned.

I'd say Obama could provide inspiration just on account of his oratory skills, but I don't like Obama much either.