Well, there are FOUR Voyager episodes on per weekday now.. this is nuts, as it will only take 2 and a half months to go through all 7 seasons, instead of five as before.

Today, Harry Kim was whisked away to a planet where people are beamed out to an asteroid field when they die.

An alien woman is revived when her body appears on Voyager, as many bodies start
arriving on the ship now.

The woman is sad - she misses her family. She later dies when Janeway attempts to swap her for Harry on a gambit which fails.

Harry tells the aliens on their homeworld that they wind up on an asteroid. They begin to question whether there really is an afterlife.

Harry is rescued but dies, but they bring him back.

Janeway gives him two days off to reflect on his experience.

I like this one... How do we know there really is an afterlife or not?

Because we choose to believe...

IN the next episode, Tom Paris is convicted of a murder he did not commit, and is sentenced to relive the murder once a day, which causes brain damage.

Tuvok saves the day by melding with Paris and figuring out who really killed the man.. it was his wife.

So, yes, the problem was all fixed at the end.. but, it would have caused Paris permanent brain damage to not have this fixed.

I am very unfond of Voyager's first season - that is whjy I did not care to remember the episode's names.

The second season gets better.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.