Shattered Mirror

Sisko's deceased wife, Jennifer, has a parallel world counterpart who comes to the station..

She kidnaps Jake, forcing Sisko to go to her world.

She wants Benjamin to fix their version of the Defiant, which he does. They attack a huge enemy ship and make it retreat.

Jake sees this Jennifer as his mother, even though she never had a child.

The Regent ( played with relish by Nana Visitor ) mortally wounds Jennifer, who saved Jake by taking the shot meant for him.

Bejamin returns just in time be there when Jennifer dies.

So, they lost her a second time.. damn, that is rough.

Love the episode.

The Muse

A pregnant Lwaxana Troi arrives on Deep Space Nine, distressed over the prospect of having her child taken away by its Tavnian father. In order to assist her in keeping her child in accordance with Tavnian law, Odo offers to marry her. Meanwhile, Jake finds inspiration in Onaya, an alien woman with sinister motives.

Onaya inspires paasionate creativity in artists and writer, but drains their life essence in the process.

Benjamin stops her before Jake dies; she turns into an energy form and flies away.

Too bad that energy guy from the Next Generation episode called " Transfigurations " wasn't there! The two energy beings could have fought!
It would have been like that two part FF issue where the Hulk and The Thing slugged it out in New York!

Odo marries Lwaxana to keep her from having to give the Tavnian guy her child, as per Tavnian customs.

Odo asks her to stay before she goes back to Betazet, but she tells him she might be able to make Odo love her in time, but that she would resent him if he did not fall in love with her.

So,she leaves.

A terrific episode!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.