Learning Curve

In order to bring some rebellious former Maquis crew members into line, Tuvok gives them a crash course in Starfleet discipline and protocol.

This one was pretty good.

The 37's

After discovering a 1936 Ford truck floating in space, Voyager follows an AM-band SOS call to a nearby planet. There, they discover a series of cryo-stasis chambers containing humans abducted from Earth during the 1930s, including Amelia Earhart and her navigator.

Second season begins... this is the best of today's epiosdes.


A young Kazon trying to earn his name and place among his people kidnaps and tries to kill Chakotay.

Aaron Eisenberg, who played Nog on DS - 9 guest stars. He was good and obnoxious
in this episode.


When the Doctor is activated during a Red Alert, he learns that the ship has been abandoned, and that only B'Elanna Torres and an injured Captain Janeway are left on board. Soon afterwards, evidence starts to suggest that he is not, in fact, the EMH on Voyager, but actually its creator, Dr Zimmerman, stuck in a malfunctioning holodeck on Jupiter Station.

I never saw this one before! Wow.

Too bad it wasn't very good. I have seen many other Doctor episodes that were way more amusing.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.