• At this time, there are actually two KNIGHT RIDER projects ramping up: Larson/TWC’s movie, as well as NBC’s revamping/backdoor pilot. And, fans are once again being asked to chose which flavor they prefer - the creator’s, or the interpreter’s?

    Can these projects co-exist? Or, must one fall so that the other may stand? Would their coexistence be too much for even the Geekiest to bear, and cause a complete erasure in some matter/anti-matter apocalypse?

    What is it about Larson projects? They tend to generate such confusion and fervor. Anyone out there remember efforts to bring back GALACTICA (before SciFi Channel’s current iteration)? We had Todd Moyer's IMAX GALACTICA project, Richard Hatch's efforts to revive the original series, and Tom DeSanto & Bryan Singer's scuttled GALACTICA revival. Am I missing one?

    Guess too much interest is better than no interest at all. And, in the end, this is a;; rather impressive. Clearly, no matter how high concept his creations may be (there’s also a FALL GUY movie in the wind, by the way), Larson's material clearly taps into something fun…and base. How many storytellers have managed to do this successfully? And, how many still have multiple properties in high demand decades after their inception? Something to think about.