
Enterprise discovers a planet in the Expanse, whose society is identical to the "wild west", and is surprisingly inhabited by humans, who are oppressing another species.

This one is ok...


Trip is injured during an attempt to improve the warp engines. Archer allows Phlox to create a symbiote of Trip, which will only live for fifteen days and provide neural tissue needed for a vital transplant.

They already covered this ground on a few other Trek shows, but it was a good one.

Carpenter Street

Daniels sends Archer and T'Pol to 2004 Detroit to follow three Xindi-Reptilians who are creating a biological weapon.

Never saw it before; It was pretty good. The guy who was betraying and capturing humans was in Voyager and Alien " Ressurection ". He's good at playing assholes. I saw him on CSI once, too.

Chosen Realm

Enterprise comes to the aid of the Triannon, a species that worships the Spheres and their Builders. Once aboard Enterprise, their leader D'Jamat commandeers the ship in order to fight a holy war, and wipe out the heretics on his homeworld.

This one mirrors the idiotic fanatical stance of present day Earth terrorists.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.