So in todays' ep, Tom Paris does the first trans - Warp flight and later on, mutates into a stupid looking reptile thing, then he clobbers Janeway and takes her back into the shuttle for a trans - warp flight which changes them both into even stupider looking reptile things.

They land the shuttle on a planet, de - evolve, fuck, and Janeway has babies.

Voyager finds 'em and the two are changed back.

Janeway to Paris: " We won't ever speak of this again. "

Thank you!

The end.

Dreadnaught was on later, but I missed it because I had to go food shopping at a crowded, smelly market filled with people who didn't know where they wanted to go and kept stopping in front of me.. then, I had to clean litterboxes after the food was put away. Oh boy.

Dreadnaught is a good one where BE'Lanna has to disarm a bomb - ship that she programmed in the Alpha quadrant against Cardassians when she was a Maqui.

Isn't it funny how everything winds up in the Delta quadrant??

The end.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.