The Age of Steel

This was part 2 of Rise Of The Cybermen and, though I had taped it last Saturday, I didn't quite find the time to watch it until a few hours ago.

It was pretty good, though it seemed a bit too easy for the Doctor to escape the Cybermen just by using his sonic screwdriver.... but, it got them out of being " Deleted ", hehe...

Loved how Mickey was instrumental in getting the correct code to give the Cybermen back their humanity.

I understand why Mickey stayed behind on that world. His Grandmother was still alive on this world. If it had been me, and it was an Earth where George and Max were still alive... if my parallel world self had died, as Mickey's had.. I would have stayed behind, too, no matter how fucked up that Earth had been.

Also, destroying Cybermen gave Mickey a sense of purpose, which he had lacked previously.

Goodbye, Mickey, I shall miss you..

This week's Dr. Who is on BBC America tomorrow.. check your local listings.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.