Originally Posted By: rex
I forced myself to watch the whole first season with Tennant. I know I should have watched the current season but that season really left a bad taste in my mouth. I'll probably netflix it eventually.

Well, I'm proud of you then. And, I'm sorry. His first season had some real suck ones in there. Of course, Season Three is not flawless. It has a two-part Dalek story that's just pure balls! No redeeming quality about it whatsoever. I highly suggest skipping Daleks in Manhatten/Evolution of the Daleks. It blows, and you're missing absolutely nothing.

But, the rest of the season is pretty much gold. Definitely Netflix Season Three if you want to get back into the Who action.

BTW, anyone know who the singer Kylie Minogue is? Well, she'll be in this year's Christmas episode/special. She's hot, and I can't wait to check her out in Who.

Props to you too, Jerry, for recognizing the superiority of the Ninth Doctor. I miss that guy, and just think it will be a cold day in hell before we see him again. Eccleston's not exactly one to look backwards in his career, and I feel like he might never reprise the role ever again...even in an anniversary multi-Doc crossover or anything. Which would be a fucking shame on par with Tom Baker's having never shown up again...