Proving Ground

Enterprise detects a signal leading to a testing ground for the Xindi weapon prototype, but they have to move through a field of anomalies in order to get there faster. Enterprise takes heavy damage in the process, but is ultimately saved by an Andorian ship under Shran's command. Shran offers Archer assistance in the battle against the Xindi.

This is a great episode!

Loved it the first time I saw it.


After capturing Degra, the creator of the Xindi weapon, Archer and the Enterprise crew conduct a carefully orchestrated deception in order to convince him to reveal the location of the weapon.

I didn't care much for this one.


Enterprise crew discover a mysterious alien adrift in a small pod within a field of anomalies. Meanwhile, emotions run high as Reed feels threatened by Major Hayes, and T'Pol learns that Trip has been giving neuro-pressure to a female MACO.

This one is pretty cool. Some good fight scenes between Malcolm and Major Hayes.

The alien on ship can walk through walls and shit like that.

Doctor's Orders

When a transdimensional disturbance is altering the space between Enterprise and Azati Prime, Phlox must put the entire crew into a comatose state, and run the ship alone, in order to cross the region safely.

Very cool episode. Similar to the Voyager one where Seven of Nine has to remain awake while the crew was in stasis as they crossed a nebula.

Loved how the Doctor hallucinated T'Pol, helping him.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.