Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
the problems are caused by people in your party.

Considering that at least two of the major acts of Islamic terrorism against the US were accomplished during Democrat administrations (the 1979 hostage crisis and the 1993 world trade center attacks), that's a pretty silly statement to make. In fact, I would submit that it only proves my point that this is about nothing so much as hatred of republicans and Bush on your part

well the hostages were taken outside the US. Reagan's dealings with the hostages (October Surprise) combined with the whole Iran Contra dealings financed a lot of death.
Reagan gave a lot of aid to Saddam and bin Laden during the 80's.
Yes the 1993 attack was on Clinton's watch but, unlike 9/11 and Bush's fuck ups, I've never heard any charges that Clinton was negligent. And with the Arkansas Project blaming him for murder and drug dealing and every other crime under the sun I figure that might have come out if there was even the slightest charges.
Clinton did the rational thing and put a lot of CIA power into tracking down bin Laden, meanwhile Republicans were bitching that bin Laden was a waste of time and he was just trying to distract from Lewinsky.
Bush ignored the bin laden warnings, focused on missile defense in his 80's retro phase. And then Bush invaded the wrong country over false evidence which resulted in more terrorists and more hatred of America and also squandered the trust the world had in America.

Bow ties are coool.