The Assignment

Keiko returns from Bajor.. possessed by a Pa Wraith, who is intent on forcing her husband, Miles O'Brien, to fix DS- 9 so that it emits a beam at the wormhole that would kill the Bajoran Prophets who inhabit the wormhole.

The alien threatens to kill Keiko unless O'Brien complies.

It is Rom who realizes what the alterations to DS-9's systems will do;
after he tells O'Brien, Miles pulls a fast one on the alien, who makes O'Brien take her in a shuttle towatch her enemies who forbade her and her kind from gaining access to the celestial temple, and uses the beam from DS-9 to kill the alein who has possessed Keiko, instead of the Prophets.

Keiko, who was aware the whole time while being a captive in her own body, is now free.

This is a very good episode.

Dialogue was great, and the episode did not drag.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.