Thursday’s Worst Person In the World segment on Countdown was a real hoot. BillO took the Bronze and Silver for his discount Factor merchandise and his refusal to let go of the Rosie/MSNBC story and the Gold went to right wing nut jobs Melanie Morgan and Kathleen Willey on Fox Noise for accusing the Clintons of murdering their cats!! What?

Olbermann: “Do you people do nothing but sit there and smoke dope all day?!”

And welcome to the evisceration!

On Wed when Kathleen Willey went on H&C to promote her new Hillary bashing book I’m sure she expected to be treated with the same kid gloves by the pliant media she had been accustomed to, and for his part Sean Hannity played that role as well as ever, but that all ended when it was Alan Colmes’ turn. He had clearly done his homework and came armed with Linda Tripp’s sworn grand jury testimony that directly contradicted her claims. He then put up Independent Counsel Robert Ray’s report that “Willey’s Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident”(p.7 pdf) and pointed out the fact that she had been caught giving “false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend.”

This is the same woman who has made allegations that the Clintons had her husband killed, had her cat killed and left its skull on her porch, had her tires slashed, and more recently she claimed they had her home broken into and stole the manuscript to this tall tell-all (no, I won’t link to any of that, but it’s out there). I’d like to think that after this disaster of a book interview she would finally seek the professional help she desperately needs, but I won’t hold my breath. Unfortunately you can bet that lots and lots more of this is what we have to look forward to if Hillary is the nominee.