Clinton Admits Planting Questions

  • Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.

    Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elliethee admitted that the campaign had planted the question and said it would not happen again.

    In a state where the caucus is held sacred and the impromptu and candid style of the town hall meeting is held dear, Clinton’s planted question may come as a great offense to Iowans.

    The campaign's admission that it planted the question may be another blow to the New York senator's image as a trustworthy politician.

    Clinton's critics have accused her of being a double-talker who refuses to answer tough questions specifically. Now her campaign has acknowledged planting at least one question.

    Already her rivals have begun to criticize Friday's revelation.

I hardly think this is the worst thing in the world for a politician to do. However, haven't some people (including some of the posters here) been very hard on the White House for planting questions in their news conferences?

If so, how do they justify Hillary doing the same thing?