Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
The Allan Parsons Project:

The Definitive Collection

A double cd collection of their greatest hits

A few of my faves on it:

I, Robot

Eye In The Sky


The Raven

Don't Answer Me

Can't Take It With You


Don't Let It Show

The first cd is incredible! I listened to it yesterday, and every song on it is fantastic!

I'll listen to the second cd soon.

For anyone interested in The Allan Parsons Project and this cd, just go to Amazon and type in the group's name; the cd will come up and you can hear bits of each song on it.. but, that won't give you the whole picture. It would be like looking at a sunset while squinting.

I recommend the cd highly.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.