Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I missed the latest debate but from the responses I'm guessing Hillary did OK.

Read my post here

Hillary sure rose to the challenge of answering the hard questions and issues of the day like "does she like diamonds or pearls?"

And yes, it was another planted question. This time by CNN. Funny how these things only ever seem to benefit Hillary Clinton.

Sort of makes you pessimistic about the whole process. Whether it's Jeff Gannon tossing Bush some b.s. softball question or Wolf Blitzer putting some college girl up to it for the benefit of Hillary, it's the same deception, the same bullshit, the same self-preservation of the establishment elite by a media that seems to be in collusion with this sort of manipulation of the political process.

Unless the people rise up en masse and say ENOUGH, partisanship be damned, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going to change, despite the country's best wishes.