Originally Posted By: the G-man
Funny. Last night on CNN I saw a clip of an exchange between Hillary and Obama and I (and, apparently the host of the show I was watching) thought Obama cleaned her clock.

Hardball had progressive radio giants Mark Green and Ed Schultz on to talk about Hillary’s big win at the debate in Las Vegas Thursday night and apparently Schultz didn’t get the memo.

Schultz: “I think all this postmortem of this debate about how wonderful Hillary is a bridge too far. I think it’s a sad day when a candidate has to start saying well its mud-slinging if you point out what my voting record is.” … “CNN, and especially Wolf, I think they were bending over for Hillary big-time last night.”

Ed also went on to make several other good points too that went against what’s become conventional wisdom regarding who “won” the debate. I’m not saying Hillary did poorly, because it surely was an improvement over her last debate in Philly and clearly she owned the audience all night who were quick to come to her defense to boo Edwards and Obama when each tried to attack her record, but she had a lot of help from CNN too. Not only was the network completely unfair in the amount of time they gave to most of the other candidates, they also were caught planting a softball question from the audience specifically for her to end the night that they had to admit to and then they followed that by having James Carville and David Gergen featured on their post-debate show, both of whom had previously held positions in her husband’s administration and Carville is currently listed as an “informal advisor” to her campaign. That’s quite a coup for any campaign to pull off and should be cause for anyone to re-evaluate the entire evening. Quite frankly, if Hillary won the debate, then any record of the win deserves an asterisk beside it.

Yeah, arguably, Hillary won the debate but based on all the points raised above, it seems as if the media wants to make sure that's what happens. As I said, whether Jeff Gannon does it or CNN does it, I don't want ANY amount of time spent trying to dishonestly make life easier and make the candidate look better than they'd look otherwise thru softball questions that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CARES ABOUT, that don't answer any issues facing anyone, and is manipulatively designed to show that Clinton has humour.

Hillary may well be the Democratic candidate, and i'll support her as the lesser evil when the time comes, but until then, is it too much to ask for that these debates give the American public a FAIR opportunity to decide based on the issues and not based on how good an evader you are or how well the media help you out?