Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
It also put paid to accusations that Tennant is trying to piggy back the success of Harry Potter when he puts glasses on.
You tended to feel that the stuff Tennant was saying about the glasses and the shoes was something he wanted added to this Doctors character as a tribute rather than being some sort of afterthought or rip off of another franchise!

Oh completely! Tennant and Steven Moffat have never hidden their love of the 5th Doctor and Peter Davison. This was both of them getting to thank the Doctor of their childhood.

Tennants comments about the sonic screwdriver were blatantly a bit of self mocking hunour!

That was fucking awesome. That's the thing, this was a tribute to the 5th Doctor, but it had some nice asides about aspects of the modern era, as well. "The Master's Beard" joke went right over my head until the second viewing. That shit was hilarious!

I did find it strange though that Davidsons Doctor was so oblivious to the fact Tennant was a future regeneration.

Meh, I did but I didn't. I noticed it took him longer to fathom what was happening. However, if you think about it, the 5th Doctor was always a bit slow on the uptake. He was always getting captured, or caught in a tight spot because he didn't possess Tom's "super doc" awareness of situations. I think this went pretty in hand with him. Besides, once he looked into his eyes, he knew. He just didn't want to admit this "skinny idiot" was himself. ;\)

At least, that's how I took it. Love that they finally explained the TARDIS interior "desktop theme" stuff. Pretty much what fans have always thought, but I've always wanted to know it for certain.

Moffat is a fucking genius.

I also really like how Davison's "breathless enthusiasm" is still front and center in his portrayal...even though the "breathless" part isn't acting anymore... ;\)