Lame is the word for it. I thought James Carville completely discredited himself after the '06 election when he was in a petulant fit on TV over the fact that Howard Dean ignored him and his DLC Republican-Lite election losing strategies and actually won an election and raised record cash using Dean's 50 State strategy, and not only won, but won in a landslide no less for like the first time in almost a decade.

The Plank: After the Republicans have admitted to a thumping, why is it that the only one complaining on the Democratic side is James Carville, who today in addition to trashing Howard Dean, praised the RNC, the outfit that brought us the racist ad that defeated Harold Ford, James' supposed candidate for Chair?

Perhaps he's not aware that under Dean in this midterm election the DNC has raised record cash — all hard dollars — including three times as much from major donors, eight times as much online and made a $30 million investment in the '06 cycle, three times as much as the DNC put into the last midterm. Not to mention we made an $8m overhaul of our voter file which was successfully used in 47 states and through the 50 state strategy invested in states like Pennsylvania, Kansas, Indiana and Montana where we had critical victories on Tuesday.

In fact, it’s painfully obvious that he's done nothing for Democrats for a long time — and it’s high time we put an end the notion that James Carville is an ally of — or should ever be considered a legitimate spokesman for — the Democratic Party. He talks a good game, but let’s not forget his support for Scooter Libby or the phone call he made to Matalin the day after the 2004 presidential election, alerting her to John Kerry’s decision to contest the provisional ballots in Ohio which ultimately resulted in a call to Cheney and a heads up to Republican Secretary of State for Ohio, Kenneth Blackwell…and we know how that turned out.

Sort of makes you wonder about him and his real agenda.

So now we gt him and his bunch back, riding the coattails of Hillary Clinton. Since I'm guessing Rahm Emmanuel and his weasley spineless persona will never be a viable candidate. This is why i so dislike Clinton. She is the epitome of the DLC. A consumate politician who will ride all the way to the election on trying to play all the angles, say all the right things, take the most safe and ultimately meaningless route. No visionary, all politician. And as the DLC track record shows, ALL LOSER.

I was re-reading Kennedy's "New Frontier" speech the other day and came across this:

 Originally Posted By: John F. Kennedy New Frontier Speech
For courage , not complacency, is our need today; leadership, not salesmanship. And the only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead, and lead vigorously. A tired nation...

There may be those who wish to hear more -- more promises to this group or that, more harsh rhetoric about the men in the Kremlin as a substitute for policy, more assurances of a golden future, where taxes are always low and the subsidies are always high. But my promises are in the platform that you have adopted. Our ends will not be won by rhetoric, and we can have faith in the future only if we have faith in ourselves.

Hillary is all salesmanship, no leadership. But honestly, so are most of the other candidates. And fuck, we're all so tired of another politician, especially a Democrat who after '06 still thinks victory lies in the DLC formula of trying to be weasley timid Republican-Lite.