Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
I remember when they CGI'd Red Dwarf.
Everyone hated it, hence when its shown on tv or when they finally released the DVDs, they went back to the original!

While I personally thought it worked well (for the most part) with Star Wars, it really does not work with low budget shows.
Doctor Who would look fucking stupid if they CGI'd the early episodes!

for the most part I'm against such touch ups. I like when they clean up the color and adding the ships and finishing scenes impossible to do right in the 1970's worked for Star Wars. But with Star Trek it just looked weird. Because they still had so many cheesy looking things that the CGI seemed so out of place.

The simple fact is Star Wars already looked good due to its huge budget, so tarting it up was never gonna look wrong (except to nerds who cant accept anything other than the original).
With Trek and Who, the budgets (and technology) were just not there in the first place, so to try and tart them up would be like trying to turn a piece of string into a computer!