Also amusing, and charming, this week were this year's DR. WHO CHILDREN IN NEED SPECIAL, a short feature that fits between a couple moments at the end of last season's finale and brings back Peter Davison's Doctor in a brief encounter with the current one, and the season finale to THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES, a delightful bit of fluff (it's aimed at a younger audience than either of its companion shows, DR. WHO and TORCHWOOD) that features the series' most unexpected villain and a surprise eleventh hour guest star who'll warm the hearts of all long time DR. WHO fans. What's really surprising about the CHILDREN IN NEED special is how much better Davison is at playing the Doctor now than he was during his late '70s run; back then his personality seemed roughly based on Marvin the Robot's from HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY and where other Doctors accessorized, Davison's Doctor garnished, a quality somewhat mocked in the special. But what's really great in the special is the genuine warmth current Doctor David Tennent evinces for Davison's version. You can see it in his eyes: that ain't acting. Matter of fact, delightful's the perfect description for both shows, and there's not a lot of television from either side of the pond, any pond, you can say that about these days.