Affliction part two

Reed is contacted by the same order that used to occasionally get DS- 9 crew people to do their dirty work; he slows down Enterprsie so that Klingons can board and attack. They sabotage the warp engines, so that if theydrop below warp 5, the ship explodes. Can you say " Speed " ?

Reed gets put into the brig, along with a captured Klingon.

Avery Brooks ( Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince ) guest stars as the captured Klingon's father.

He does look good since he lost the weight.

Some cool formation flying with the Columbia and Enterprise flying tightly together to enable Tripp to go aboard Enterprise and fix the engines, which he does.

Three Klingon vessels approach the facility where Phlox strives to find a cure for the disease, and inform he and the Klingon Doctor there that the facility will be destroyed, in order to contain and stop the disease, which is from the genetic codes of Soong's augmented humans.

Phlox does find a cure, but millions of Klingons now look very.. human, including the Klingon Doctor who helped Phlox find a cure. No other Klingons will get the disease.


Now on: THrough A Mirror, Darkly part one

This is the first of several episodes that will span TOS and Deep Space Nine episodes with tales of the parallel universe where Zepram Cochrane killed the Vulcans who made first contact on Earth and they stole their
more advanced technology and established a war - like empire.

Very cool!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.