Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Forgot to mention!

This episode explains why Klingons looked so.. human in the Kirk era Star Trek.

The virus makes 'em look like us, though they are still fundamentally Klingon in all the ways that count.

What? They went through and gave it an in-continuity explanation, instead of just explaining that they didn't have the resources on make-up and masks back then? \:damn\:

Thinking about the Klingons in ST:TOS, I'm more concerned on how Mongolic they looked. East is east, and west is west...

"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller

"Conan, what's the meaning of life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"
-Conan the Barbarian

"Well, yeah."
-Jason E. Perkins

"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents."
-Ultimate Jaburg53

"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise."

Rack MisterJLA!