Didn't like the first serial, but the Pirate Planet one was decent. Very interesting concept. Baker is enjoyable and witty. It's interesting how you can see the same base qualities of the other Doctors in Baker's take on it.
It definitely has the feel of a children's show, with lots of fast plots and short 25 minute segments and little real attention to building characterization.
It's nowhere near as smart as the current show, and I feel that the low production values hinder the story by forcing them to stay in one place for several episodes instead of being able to change locales episode to episode and really utilize the Tardis' travel abilities. But it's still pretty fun, and I know that the older series was meant for kids so I can accept that. I really wish I had been able to watch it as a kid because i would've loved it and looked forward to it every week. I'm surprised I never did because I watched any sci-fi show that I came across but I only remember watching the 1996 movie.
I think I'll stick with it, see what I can download or get from the library.

Bow ties are coool.