
An mysterious but comely female alien claims to be in love with Chakotay, and requests asylum aboard Voyager. However, Chakotay has no memory of ever having met her.

He falls in love with her again, but one of her alien race boards Voyager and zaps her with a ray that makes her forget Chakotay.

Then she leaves.

Since the ship's records were wiped so as to not leave any trace of that race's existance, Chakotay hand writes a record of her, before he forgets her.

Outsiders are unable to remember her people after they part company for a few days.

Kinda like " 50 First Dates ", but on a planet wide scale.

A very good episode.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.