Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
In Purgatory's Shadow part one

Worf and Garak respond to a distress call in the Gamma Quadrant, and become captives of the Dominion.

Garak's father is a captive there. He dies while talking with Garak.

Sisko, fearing a Dominion invasion, tries to close down the wormhole, but it does not work..and a Dominion invasion fleet comes through it.

This is an excellent episode!

Can't wait for part two tomorrow.

By Inferno's Light part two

Heh, the two titles together sound like a Green Lantern's oath.. I bet someone did that on purpose, too.

Anyway, Garak battles his claustrophobia to arrange it so that they will all be atransported back to their runabout.

Worf must fight an endless series of battles in a ring. It wears him down, but he does not surrender, saying , " Today is a good day to die."

Back on the station, we learn that the Bashir their is a phony who intends to make the sun go nova, thus wiping out the Klingon fleet, DS - 9, and Bajor.

The Dominion assholes come to execute Garak and instaed discover the tool the prisoners had been using to open an access port in the cell, where Garak slips into it to be able to make contact with their empty runabout to escape.

Just as all are to die, the Breen guy takes a weapon from a Dominion dude and kills him, but is killed as he kills another Dominion creep.

Bashir kills a third Dominion creep.

And Garak makes the final conection in the circuits that enable the runabout to beam them aboard.

Bashir warns the station about the Bashir imposter, and the plot to wipe out DS-9 and Bajor is thwarted.

A terrific episode!

It's ones like these that got me into DS-9.

my favorite DS9 two parter (and they had some great ones). Bashir has been a changeling for a month, Dukat goes from rogue to emperor of the new big power in the Alpha Quadrant, Worf fighting arena-style, a total shake up of the show's setting on a galactic level with effects lasting for years.
just great.

Yeah, that truly is a great two part episode!

They packed a lot into it.

Star Trek: Voyager for November 28, 2007


Voyager is nearly out of deuterium. Seven manages to find a demon class planet ( Temps high enough to cook you, and has a noxious atmosphere.. rather like Venus. ) thazt is rich with deuterium.

Tom and Harry take a shuttle there to obtain samples, but are changed instaed.

Later, we find out that they were not changed, but that the planet had made duplicates of them.

With Voyager having landed on the planet's surface, the ship sinking and with time running out, Janeway strikes a deal with the planet's inhabitants to let them duplicate them all.

Voyager takes off, leaving the duplicate crew there.

We will see them again in " Course: Obilivion."


In order to go through a huge nebula, instead of around it, the crew - except for the Doctor and Seven of Nine ( who appears to be immune to it's ill effects. ) to pilot the ship through it.

Seeven hallucinates due to her never having been truly alone like this before.. but,with the Doctor offline, and ship's systems failing, still manages to get the ship through the nebula.

Another fine Seven of Nine episode.

Very good!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.